
Oct 19, 2013

A Teacher's Halloween

Are you ready for Halloween?  Better yet, are you ready for the school day after Halloween??
I'm not that into Halloween (Christmas is more my holiday) so I'm always looking for easy and cheap costumes to wear in our school's Halloween parade each year.  Do you ever have this problem?  So this year I decided to plan earlier and I've been scanning Pinterest for a few easy ideas I thought I'd share with ya.
The Paper Bag Princess                 Teachers! The stress of searching for a Halloween costume is done! Click on this image to follow this Pinterest board! It's an entire pin board of Creative Halloween Costumes for TEACHERS!!! Over 100 ideas already pinned!
The Paper Bag Princess-love this book!             Viola Swamp from Ms. Nelson                                                                                Is Missing

Raining Cats and Dogs!                              DIY Halloween Costumes: Mime | cable car couture                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

"It's Raining Cats and Dogs"                                                      The Classic Mime

Halloween treat bags for the kids classes! Love it!


One year I was Charlie Chaplin, since all I         And one last Halloween idea...  
needed was a bowler hat and fake mustache.     How cute is this!
My 2nd graders had never heard of him, so        (courtesy of Mud Pie Studio blog)
we enjoyed Chaplin movies as we waited for 
the school Halloween parade.

Oct 11, 2013

Parent Teacher Conference Questions

Next week will be Parent Teacher Conferences for our school, which is early for a traditional, term-based schedule.  But the teachers thought that meeting with the parents earlier, before the term is over and grades are official, would be more helpful.  (Can I just say how lucky I am to be at a school where that's even an option?  So grateful.)  This way we can touch base with the parents and talk more about the child and their growth, than grades and percents.  It will be interesting to see how it works out, but I'm really looking forward to it.  In that stream of thought, another teacher at our school pinned this form that a parent would fill out/ask at PTCs and I thought the questions were really interesting. If my parents asked these questions, I would love it!  Go to iMom and check it out.


Oct 9, 2013

Um, hi again...

Alright, I know I've been a little MIA from the blogging world lately.  Okay, a lot.  I've been feeling a little like that slacker friend that hasn't called or made any type of contact in forever and now doesn't know what to say so they keep moving "call so-and-so" to the bottom of the to-do list, which totally isn't helping things, and then all of a sudden it's been two months without a word.  Not that that's ever happened to me.  I'm just saying.
But I promise I'm back, and have so much to share!  I've been recording my kids starting out math tasks this year and they've had some really great math conversations with each other.  Our math is flowing brilliantly and I LOVE the depth that the Common Core has to offer (and the depth it requires of the students).  So much good stuff to come!